But China Daily, an official English-language newspaper, came in with a reality check on Wednesday in the form of an article published under the headline Beijing Expects Healthy Air by 2030. 但周三,官方英文报纸《中国日报》的一篇题为《北京空气质量有望在2030年达标》的报道,将人们拉回到现实中来。
One Japanese official said it took time to check data to eliminate the possibility that the radar signal was incorrectly identified. 一名日本官员表示,日方花了一些时间核查相关数据,以排除雷达信号识别有误的可能性。
The official said, gross domestic product ( GDP) data will be a major target in the check. 负责人表示,GDP等指标将是这次检查的重点内容。
Paid work; a paid official; a paid announcement; a paid check. 有薪金的工作;国家公务员;有酬发表;还清的帐单。
The official goes to Kang Xi faction to gradually check explore, try to break face to face every day deadlock, and then establish diplomatic relations. 康熙派官员赴日查探,试图打破对日僵局,进而建立外交关系。